OECD Blue Sky Forum 2016 (convocatoria)

martes 26, enero 2016 - lunes 14, marzo 2016

Blue Sky 2016 welcomes original submissions that showcase examples of data and indicator development with the potential for international adoption, as well as examples of ground-breaking application of existing or new sources addressing questions and providing evidence on the state of science and innovation systems and the role of STI policies worldwide.
Academic contributions with clear policy relevance are encouraged, but submissions may also include concept papers outlining possible strategies for STI data collection, measurement and quality improvements, formulate user needs or specify potential initiatives by policy makers and administrators that can support the infrastructure for the analysis of science and innovation phenomena.

Entidad convocante: OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Plazo máximo envío contribuciones: hasta el 14 de marzo de 2016

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