OECD Global Forums: “Next Global Forum on the Knowledge Economy”

jueves 2, octubre 2014 - viernes 3, octubre 2014

OECD Global Forums are created by OECD committees as a way to involve a broader range of stakeholders in their work. The OECD Global Forums are not official bodies, nor are they meetings. Instead, they are networks or communities of stakeholders that meet on the responsibility of one or more OECD committees. 
Meetings of Global Forums are often major events, attracting large numbers of participants from different regional and cultural backgrounds.  The OECD Global Forums provide platforms for peer learning and policy dialogue on issues for which the relevance of OECD work is dependent on interaction with relevant non-members world-wide. Global Forums can also promote multidisciplinary and horizontal approaches beyond the scope of any single committee, and foster partnerships with other intergovernmental organisations.

Entidad organizadora: OECD

Lugar de celebración: Tokio (Japón)

Duración del evento: 2 y 3 de octubre de 2014

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